Access to Leading Providers – 914

Personal Health Insurance

Benefit from our partnerships with top Irish health insurers giving you access to the best plans and hospitals nationwide.

Advanced Forecasting Tools – 886

Cashflow Modelling

Utilise industry-leading software like Cashcalc and Voyant for accurate, comprehensive financial projections.

Agricultural Relief Specialists – 899

Personal Inheritance Planning

Tailored advice for transferring farms and agricultural assets with optimal tax efficiency.

Bespoke Solutions – 1350

Corporate Executive Benefits

Dedicated advisors collaborate to create customised solutions.

Boosting Productivity – 1335

Corporate Employee Financial Wellbeing

Aiming to enhance overall productivity and job satisfaction through financial well-being initiatives.

Business Succession Planning – 897

Personal Inheritance Planning

Ensure smooth transition of family businesses with expert guidance on available reliefs and structuring.

Client-Centric Approach – 808

Personal Retirement Planning

We prioritise your needs, offering flexible solutions that adapt as your life changes.

Client-Centric Approach – 587

We prioritise your goals and challenges, providing customised solutions that align with your unique business requirements.

Client-Centric Approach – 691

Personal Home Page

We are committed to providing compassionate and confidential advice, building lasting relationships that help you through life’s transitions.

Client-Centric Focus – 801

Personal Financial Protection

We prioritise your best interests, recommending the right benefits over simply pushing products.

Compliance & Expertise – 1102

Workplace Pensions

We stay up to date with pension regulations to ensure your business remains compliant, reducing risks and administrative burdens.

Compliance Expertise – 1676

Corporate Investments

We ensure your benefits strategy aligns with Irish regulatory requirements.

Compliance Expertise – 1694

Corporate Employee Benefits Consultancy

We ensure your benefits strategy aligns with Irish regulatory requirements.

Comprehensive Coverage – 1359

Corporate Business Protection

From shareholder and keyperson cover to director protection, we provide a full range of Corporate Business Protection services.

Comprehensive Coverage Options – 911

Personal Health Insurance

From family health insurance to student plans and travel cover, we provide a wide range of policies to suit every life stage.

Comprehensive Estate Planning – 893

Personal Inheritance Planning

Our advisers craft bespoke strategies to efficiently transfer your wealth and assets to the next generation.

Comprehensive Expertise – 807

Personal Retirement Planning

From personal pensions to public sector schemes, we navigate Ireland’s complex pension landscape with ease.

Comprehensive Guidance – 1706

Private Retirement Plannning

We are committed to guiding you every step of the way, ensuring financial security for a fulfilling retirement.

Comprehensive Programmes – 1330

Corporate Employee Financial Wellbeing

Offering financial well-being programmes designed to provide expert guidance and education.

Comprehensive services – 1467

Private Home

From investments to protection, we offer integrated solutions across all areas of your financial life.

Comprehensive Solutions – 690

Personal Home Page

From protection and savings to retirement and investments, we offer a full range of services to cover all aspects of your financial well-being.

Comprehensive Support – 1337

Corporate Financial Advice on Demand

From financial protection to retirement planning, we cover all aspects of your financial well-being, providing a holistic approach to wealth management.

Cost Control – 1108

Health Insurance

We actively manage and control costs related to potential rate increases. By reviewing the market regularly, we ensure you get value for money. This proactive approach ensures you are always getting the best deal. Insurers may not always be proactive in helping you manage your scheme, but we are.

Cost Control – 1631

Financial Protection

We proactively manage costs and monitor market trends to ensure you get the best value for your investment, actively addressing potential rate increases.

Cost Optimisation – 1675

Corporate Investments

Our forensic analysis identifies opportunities for savings without compromising quality.

Cost Optimisation – 1693

Corporate Employee Benefits Consultancy

Our forensic analysis identifies opportunities for savings without compromising quality.

Cost-Effective Solutions – 919

Personal Health Insurance

We help you balance comprehensive coverage with affordable premiums, identifying the most cost-effective plans for your needs.

Customised Content – 1342

Corporate Financial Education

We tailor our sessions to address the specific needs and interests of your workforce, ensuring relevant and engaging content.

Customised Coverage – 1106

Health Insurance

We work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and develop a solution that aligns with your company’s needs and budget. This ensures you get the most appropriate coverage without overpaying.

Customised Coverage – 1629

Financial Protection

We collaborate with you to design financial protection solutions that meet your company’s unique needs and budget, ensuring appropriate coverage without excess costs.

Data-Driven Insights – 1674

Corporate Investments

We provide comprehensive benchmarking against Irish and international standards.

Data-Driven Insights – 1692

About Page Corporate Employee Benefits Consultancy

We provide comprehensive benchmarking against Irish and international standards.

Deep Irish Market Knowledge – 1691

About Page Corporate Employee Benefits Consultancy

Our team understands the nuances of Irish employment law and benefits trends.

Deep Market Knowledge – 1673

Corporate Investments

Our team understands the nuances of Irish employment law and benefits trends.

Diverse Mortgage Options – 906


From first-time buyer mortgages to equity release we cater to all mortgage needs in Ireland

Diverse Options – 1357

Corporate Retirement Planning

We offer a wide range of pension options, including those with access to alternative investments for increased diversification.

Diverse Savings Products – 871

Diverse Savings Products

From regular savings accounts to tax-efficient options, we provide a range of solutions to suit different needs.

Effective Money Management – 1331

Corporate Employee Financial Wellbeing

Helping employees manage their money more effectively.

Employee Engagement – 1101

Health Insurance

We believe in clear communication and personalised support. Our team conducts on-site presentations and offers one-to-one meetings with employees to ensure everyone understands their benefits and entitlements.

Employee Engagement – 1633

Financial Protection

We offer clear communication and personalised support through on-site presentations and one-on-one meetings, ensuring employees fully understand their benefits and entitlements.

Employee Engagement – 1257

Employee Benefits

Enhance employee engagement and satisfaction with our on-site clinics, where expert advisors offer personalised advice and guidance tailored to each individual’s needs.

Employee Engagement – 1277

Workplace Pensions

We provide ongoing support and educational resources to help your employees understand and maximise their pension benefits.

End-to-End Support – 1110

Health Insurance

At SYS Financial, we handle the entire onboarding, claim and exit process, relieving your HR team of this burden and ensuring a seamless operation.

End-to-End Support – 1632

Financial Protection

We manage the entire process, from onboarding to claims and exits, easing the administrative burden on your HR team for a smooth experience.

Engaging Educational Sessions – 1333

Corporate Employee Financial Wellbeing

Delivering interactive and informative sessions to educate employees.

Enhanced Financial Security – 1334

Corporate Employee Financial Wellbeing

Supporting employees in achieving greater financial security and peace of mind.

Exceptional Service – 588

Our white-glove service ensures seamless, hassle-free management of your financial solutions, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

Exclusive opportunities – 1469

Private Home

Access to a wide range of investment vehicles and financial planning strategies.

Expert Advice – 1360

About Page Corporate Business Protection

Our experienced advisors guide you through the complexities of Corporate Business Protection, ensuring your company is safeguarded.

Expert advice – 1466

Private Home

Our team of specialists provides bespoke financial advice tailored to your specific needs.

Expert Advisors – 1338

Corporate Financial Advice on Demand

Our experienced team is equipped to handle complex financial queries, offering clear, practical advice that empowers you to make informed decisions.

Expert Financial Guidance – 872

Diverse Savings Products

Our team offers insights on maximising your savings potential while considering your overall financial picture.

Expert Guidance – 799

Personal Financial Protection

Our seasoned advisors offer clear, compassionate advice, simplifying complex financial protection concepts.

Expert Guidance – 1097

Employee Benefits

Our team of experienced consultants provides ongoing advice and support, keeping you informed of industry changes and helping you adapt your strategies accordingly.

Expert Guidance – 1353

Corporate Retirement Planning

With our deep subject matter expertise, we keep you informed about regulatory changes and guide you in maintaining the most suitable pension structures to minimise risks.

Expert Guidance – 905


Our team of experienced mortgage advisors provides personalised support throughout the entire process.

Expert Guidance – 1167

Corporate Home

Our team of experienced consultants provides ongoing advice and support, keeping you informed of industry changes and helping you adapt your strategies accordingly.

Expert Guidance – 689

Personal Home Page

Our team of qualified advisors provides comprehensive, trustworthy advice, ensuring you make informed decisions.

Expert-Led Sessions – 1341

Corporate Financial Education

Our presentations and webinars are delivered by experienced financial professionals who provide clear, actionable guidance on a wide range of topics.

Expertise Overwrite – 557

Our team brings unparalleled industry knowledge and experience, offering insights and solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Extensive Lender Network – 903


Access to a wide range of Irish and international lenders ensuring the best rates and terms for your mortgage.

Financial Stability – 1361

Corporate Business Protection

Protects your business from potential financial losses, ensuring stability and continuity during difficult times.

Flexibility & Accessibility – 1339

Corporate Financial Advice on Demand

Schedule consultations at your convenience, accessing expert advice when you need it most, through in-person or virtual meetings.

Flexible Delivery – 1344

Corporate Financial Education

Sessions can be conducted in-person or online, making it easy to provide valuable Corporate Financial Educationto your team, wherever they are.

Flexible Retirement Income Options – 1705

Private Retirement Plannning

Our advisors provide various income options to suit your retirement lifestyle, whether you plan to retire early or maximize your pension contributions.

Future-Focused Strategy – 1678

Corporate Investments

We help you prepare for upcoming changes in Irish benefits legislation.

Future-Focused Strategy – 1696

Corporate Employee Benefits Consultancy

We help you prepare for upcoming changes in Irish benefits legislation.

Gift Strategies – 896

Personal Inheritance Planning

Maximise annual gift exemptions and explore tax-efficient gifting options to gradually transfer wealth.

Green Mortgage Specialists – 907


Access to eco-friendly mortgage options, helping you save money while supporting sustainability.

Group Scheme Expertise – 916

Personal Health Insurance

For businesses, we offer tailored group health insurance solutions to attract and retain top talent.

Holistic Approach – 800

Personal Financial Protection

We consider your entire financial picture, ensuring your protection strategy complements your overall financial plan.

Holistic Financial View – 888

Cashflow Modelling

Integrate cash flow modelling with our broader financial planning services for a complete picture of your financial health.

Holistic Planning – 810

Personal Retirement Planning

We consider your entire financial picture, ensuring your retirement plan complements your overall financial strategy.

Impartial Advice – 1107

Health Insurance

Unlike some brokers, SYS Financial is completely impartial. We work with all providers, giving us the flexibility to compare all plans and find the best possible options for you.

Impartial Advice – 1630

Financial Protection

Taking an unbiased approach, we work with, we work with all providers to compare options and secure the best plans for you, free from conflicts of interest.

Improved Financial Well-being – 1343

Corporate Financial Education

By equipping employees with the knowledge and skills to manage their finances, we help reduce financial stress and improve overall well-being.

Innovative Technology – 1096

Employee Benefits

Our user-friendly online portal simplifies benefits administration, making it easy for your HR team and employees to access and manage benefits.

Innovative Technology – 1168

Corporate Home

Our user-friendly online portal simplifies benefits administration, making it easy for your HR team and employees to access and manage benefits.

Innovative Tools – 873

Diverse Savings Products

Utilise our advanced cash flow modelling to visualise and optimise your savings strategy.

Integrated Financial Planning – 918

Personal Health Insurance

We consider your health insurance as part of your broader financial strategy, including income protection and life assurance.

Integration with Financial Planning – 875

Diverse Savings Products

Your savings strategy is seamlessly incorporated into your broader financial plan, including pensions and investments.

Investment Diversification – 1704

Private Retirement Plannning

We focus on diversifying your investments to reduce risk and maximize returns.

Irish Market Expertise – 803

Personal Financial Protection

With deep knowledge of Ireland’s financial landscape, we secure the most suitable protection options available.

Medical Professional Expertise – 908


Tailored mortgage solutions for healthcare workers, understanding the unique financial situations of medical professionals.

On-Demand Advice – 1332

Corporate Employee Financial Wellbeing

Providing access to expert advice whenever needed.

Ongoing Financial Coaching – 891

Cashflow Modelling

Receive regular reviews and adjustments to keep your financial plan on track as your life evolves.

Ongoing Support – 802

Personal Financial Protection

Our commitment extends beyond the initial setup, providing continuous assistance as your needs evolve.

Ongoing Support – 809

Personal Retirement Planning

Our commitment extends beyond initial planning, providing continuous guidance throughout your retirement journey.

Ongoing Support – 900

About Page Personal Inheritance Planning

Regular reviews to ensure your inheritance plan adapts to changing legislation and family circumstances.

Ongoing Support – 910


We’re with you beyond the initial mortgage, offering advice on remortgaging and switching to ensure you always have the best deal.

Optimised Financial Planning – 1349

Corporate Executive Benefits

Guidance to optimise financial planning.

Peace of Mind – 1351

Corporate Executive Benefits

Ensuring financial security and peace of mind for business leaders and their enterprises.

Personalised Advice – 912

Personal Health Insurance

Our experienced advisors offer bespoke guidance ensuring you choose the right level of cover for your specific health needs and budget.

Personalised Guidance – 1336

Corporate Financial Advice on Demand

Tailored advice based on your unique financial situation and goals, ensuring you receive relevant and actionable insights.

Personalised Service – 688

Personal Home Page

Every individual’s financial situation is unique, which is why we take the time to understand your personal goals and craft solutions tailored to you.

Proactive Planning – 1340

Corporate Financial Advice on Demand

We help you anticipate future financial needs and opportunities, ensuring long-term security and growth.

Proven Track Record – 692

Personal Home Page

With over €600 million in assets under management, we have a history of helping individuals and families secure their financial futures.

Provider Agnostic – 1094

Workplace Pensions

Our impartial approach ensures you get the best solutions and value for your investment.

Provider Agnostic – 1164

Corporate Home

We offer impartial advice by working with a range of providers, ensuring you receive the best possible options and value for your money.

Provider-Agnostic – 1099

Employee Benefits

We offer impartial advice by working with a range of providers, ensuring you receive the best possible options and value for your money.

Provider-Agnostic – 589

We offer impartial advice by working with a range of providers, ensuring you receive the best possible options and value for your money.

Rapid Approval Process – 904


Secure mortgage approval within 24 hours, streamlining your property purchase journey.

Real-Time Adjustments – 889

Cashflow Modelling

Benefit from dynamic modelling that adapts to changes in your life circumstances, market conditions, or financial goals. Use tax efficiency modelling to visualise the impact of tax-efficient strategies on your long-term financial outlook.

Regular Policy Reviews – 915

Personal Health Insurance

We conduct annual reviews to ensure your cover remains optimal as your health needs and family circumstances change.

Regular Reviews – 874

Diverse Savings Products

We offer ongoing assessments to ensure your savings plan evolves with your changing circumstances.

Retirement Readiness Assessment – 890

Cashflow Modelling

Gain confidence in your retirement plans with detailed projections of your post-retirement cash flow.

Risk Management – 1348

Corporate Executive Benefits

Support in managing business risks effectively.

Scenario Planning Expertise – 887

Cashflow Modelling

Explore multiple ‘what-if’ scenarios to understand the impact of different financial decisions on your long-term goals.

Seamless Administration – 1104

Workplace Pensions

Our innovative online portal simplifies pension management, making it easy for both HR teams and employees to access and manage their pensions.

Seamless Claims Support – 917

Personal Health Insurance

Our team assists you throughout the claims process ensuring you receive the benefits you’re entitled to quickly and efficiently.

Section 72 and 73 Policy Expertise – 895

Personal Inheritance Planning

Leverage specialised life insurance policies to cover potential inheritance tax liabilities.

Simplified Administration – 1105

Health Insurance

We handle all the administrative details, making it easy for you to manage and implement these benefits.

Simplified Administration – 1628

Financial Protection

We handle all the administrative details, making it easy for you to manage and implement these benefits.

Solution-Focused – 590

Our approach is centred on delivering practical, effective solutions that address your immediate and future financial needs.

Specialist Cover Options – 920

Personal Health Insurance

Access to specialised policies for chronic conditions, dental and optical care, and alternative therapies.

Tailored Financial Strategies – 1346

Corporate Executive Benefits

Corporate Executive Benefits services designed to align with personal and professional goals.

Tailored Solutions – 798

Personal Financial Protection

We craft bespoke protection plans that perfectly align with your unique circumstances and goals.

Tailored Solutions – 1358

Corporate Business Protection

Customised cover options that fit your business’s unique needs and protect against financial risks associated with the loss of key individuals.

Tailored Solutions – 1103

Workplace Pensions

Our range of pension options, including Master Trusts, Auto-Enrolment, and Group PRSAs, are customised to suit your business needs.

Tailored Solutions – 1677

Corporate Investments

Our approach is customised to your specific industry, location, and workforce demographics.

Tailored Solutions – 1695

Corporate Employee Benefits Consultancy

Our approach is customised to your specific industry, location, and workforce demographics.

Tailored Strategies – 805

Personal Retirement Planning

We craft bespoke retirement plans that align perfectly with your unique goals and circumstances.

Tailored Strategies – 1702

Private Retirement Plannning

We offer personalized retirement planning strategies that align with your unique goals.

Tax Efficiency – 806

Personal Retirement Planning

Our expert advisers maximise your pension savings through tax-efficient strategies, ensuring your money works harder for you.

Tax Efficiency – 876

Diverse Savings Products

We help you navigate tax-efficient savings options to maximise your returns.

Tax Efficiency – 913

Personal Health Insurance

Maximise your health insurance tax relief with our expert knowledge of Irish tax regulations related to medical expenses.

Tax Efficiency – 1703

Private Retirement Plannning

Our approach emphasizes minimizing tax liabilities to enhance your retirement savings.

Tax-Efficient Solutions – 894

Personal Inheritance Planning

We help minimise Capital Acquisitions Tax and utilise reliefs to preserve your estate’s value.

Tax-Efficient Strategies – 1352

Corporate Retirement Planning

We help design and manage strategies to extract personal wealth from your business in the most tax-efficient way.

Technology-Driven Service – 909


Utilise our advanced online tools for a seamless, efficient mortgage application experience.

Transparent Communication – 693

Personal Home Page

We prioritise clear, jargon-free explanations, ensuring you fully understand and are comfortable with your financial plan.

Trust Formation and Management – 898

Personal Inheritance Planning

Explore discretionary trusts and other structures to control asset distribution and potentially reduce tax burden.

Trusted Partner – 1098

About Page Corporate Home

With a reputation built on reliability and integrity, we are a trusted advisor dedicated to supporting your long-term financial success.

Trusted Partner – 591

With a reputation built on reliability and integrity, we are a trusted advisor dedicated to supporting your long-term financialz success.

Trusted partnership – 1468

Private Home

We work closely with you to ensure your financial goals are met, providing ongoing support as your needs evolve.

Understanding Business Challenges – 1345

Corporate Executive Benefits

Recognising the unique challenges faced by business leaders.

Understanding Financial Stress – 1329

Corporate Employee Financial Wellbeing

Acknowledgment of the impact financial stress has on employee performance and well-being.

Value for Money – 1354

Corporate Retirement Planning

We manage costs effectively and ensure you receive the best value for your Corporate Retirement Planning and pension investments.

Value-Driven – 804

Personal Financial Protection

While we’re cost-conscious, we emphasise optimal protection to give you unparalleled peace of mind.

Visual Financial Roadmap – 885

Cashflow Modelling

Transform complex financial data into clear, easy-to-understand visual representations of your financial future.

Wealth Protection – 1347

Corporate Executive Benefits

Assistance in protecting personal wealth.

White Glove Service – 1100

Employee Benefits

Our dedicated support team ensures smooth implementation and ongoing management of your benefits and plans.

White-Glove Service – 1095

Corporate Home

Our dedicated support team ensures smooth implementation and ongoing management of your benefits and plans.

White-Glove Service – 1355

Corporate Retirement Planning

Our hands-on approach makes managing your pensions hassle-free, offering expert support throughout.


Need assistance or have any questions? Reach out to SYS Financial today. We’re here to help with all your financial needs.

Contact Us